Monday, May 20, 2013

Chapter Twenty Nine - The One With The Initiation Ceremony

We are all divergent
This is a very short chapter. The fear landscape is coming up in the next chapter, and Tris is nervous about anything and everything. Tris has an identity crisis of sorts. Is she Abnegation? Is she Dauntless? What is she?

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the whole faction thing. There is no way that every person is going to perfectly fit in a given faction. Tris is a perfect example. She is divergent. We all have different traits that define us. We can't just be categorized by our thoughts. The way we think is changing constantly. The world is Divergent.

Now it is Tris' turn for her fear landscape. She is injected with the serum. She has an open mind. She is ready.

"I imagine that the serum is liquid adrenaline rushing through my veins, making me strong."



  1. I agree with you on the Faction things. They seem to base factions off of personalities, but personalities are the most manipulated parts of a human. Our minds are so prone to control and no person can be bound to the same process of thought for the rest of their life. Everything is always changing, just like Divergent people. I believe we are all Divergent, it's just something you have to practice by being open minded.

    1. I can't agree with you more. I think the whole point of this book was to point out just how fake the factions are and how easily they can fail. I think the author wanted to show the reader that no one fits into a certain faction. We are all Divergent.

      Thanks for commenting!
