Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chapter Six - The One Where We Meet Tris

She is Natalie Prior and she
approves this decision
After Beatrice makes her choice, she looks to see how her family reacts. Her father is furious. That is easy to understand. He was most likely convinced that Beatrice would stay in Abnegation after Caleb had chosen Erudite, but he was sadly mistaken. Her mother, however, was smiling. She was very supportive of Beatrice and was probably proud of her daughter for making her own choice.

Beatrice follows the rest of the Dauntless and they sprint after a train. To board the train, each person must leap onto the train, which is moving at full speed. After a bit of hesitation, Beatrice boards the train with relative ease. On board the train, Beatrice meets Christina. Christina is a former member of Candor and isn't afraid to have her opinion heard. Judging by the way they introduced Christina, I have a feeling that she will be an important character in the long run (I'm just full of hints, aren't I?).

Next, the Dauntless have to jump from the train onto the roof of the Dauntless HQ. Beatrice is even more nervous about this jump. She musters up the courage to make the jump and lands successfully. A rush of adrenaline runs through her as she sticks the landing. I think she is going to like it in Dauntless.

"I am proud. It will get me into trouble someday, but today it makes me brave."

You're from Abnegation! Ha Ha!
The group is told to jump down a hole in the rooftop. Everyone is very hesitant to do so. Beatrice steps up and is met with a lot of ridicule from some of the others due to her being from Abnegation. She jumps down the hole into a large net. She is helped out of the net by a man named Four. Four? Hmm... What an interesting name. Speaking of names, Beatrice is asked what her's is.

A new place, a new name. I can be remade here. "Tris," I say firmly.

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