Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chapter Eleven - The One With The Fence

Tris is woken up by Christina the next morning. I'm not surprised that Christina had to physically wake Tris up.Wait, what? Let me get this straight. Christina, a former member of Candor, just did something for the sole purpose of helping another person. Hmm.......
She is covered in bruises and is definitely feeling the effects of fight with Peter. Christina helps tie Tris' shoes because she knows that Tris is too sore to do it heself.

"Maybe there is some Abnegation in everyone, even if they don't know it. Well, in everyone but Peter."

When everybody is out of the dormitory, Four leads all of the transfers to the Fence. When they arrive there, Tris sees Robert; Susan's brother from Abnegation. She discovers that he has transfered to Amity and he is at the fence with his faction picking apples. What a happy reunion! Nice knowing you, Robert. Have fun not being mentioned at all the rest of this book (it's just a guess).

Tris gets advice from Four on how to be more successful in the Arena next time. Tris is mad about this because she feels like Four didn't even care about her fight. While she is mad now, I am sure she deeply appreciates the advice.

One last thing. I noticed something Tris said in this chapter that seems to be more foreshadowing (one of this book's many talents). I'm just going to leave this right here:

"The lock is on the outside... Why would they lock the gate from the outside and not the inside? It almost seems like they don't want to keep something out; they want to keep us in."

Stay tuned.

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